CPA's can use top quality, professional presentation products from Pro-Tek. Inc. to present an image of professional, detail-onented competence.
CPA's use quality presentation portfolios to enhance their image.
There are lots of different ways you as a CPA can market yourself. You can whte publicity-whting articles, take out ads in the newspaper and the yellow pages, and more.

But let's talk about your Image. There are certain things that you can do-little things-lhat will enhance your image and make you come across as professional, sawy, up-to-date, and successful. You can get pencils and pens with your name on them. Notebooks, notepads, sticky notes with your name and address will also help. Another thing that you should consider is a high-quality presentation portfolio customized with your name, the name of your company, your address, website, email, and portfolio. Having a professional quality and customized portfolio can do loads for your image. It makes you appear extremely professional, it also gives people the impression that you have things together.
A presentation portfolio is a great way to give people documents. They'll keep any documents that you give them in their presentation portfolio, and they'll always remember your name and have your contact information close at hand.
Presentation portfolios are a fantastic idea and do wonders for the image of CPA's, but they can normally be Incredibly expensive. Normally you have to pay hundreds of dollars for an artist to custom design your portfolio. Then you have to pay even more to have your portfolio printed. And how are you supposed to make heads or tails of all of the options? You're a CPA - not a graphic designer! And as a CPA, you're conscious of the pnce of everything, and how much you're getting for each dollar. This is why you need to visit Pro-Tek, inc. at www.pro-tekinc.com.
Pro-Tek, inc. has an easy, inexpensive, custom solution that will bnng you top-quality, professional custom presentation portfolios at a fraction of the cost of the regular route. At Pro-Tek, you can design the presentation portfolio of your dreams in just a few easy steps. Here's how:
- Choose your template. How many pocket portfolios do you want? What size and type of portfolios? Do you want them reinforced?
- Choose your paper. What type do you want? What color?
- Design. Do you want a logo on the front? Upload it. Do you want your number printed on the inside? Go for it On the back instead? Change it in the next step, when you.
- Preview your portfolio. Change whatever you like. Change until you like your final product, and then you simply click.
- Order. You'll receive a proof from a professional artist, and as soon as you approve.
- Printing begins. You can get your order rushed to you in under seven days, if you need it quickly.
- And it will still be highest quality, professional-grade, customized presentation portfolios. And. an item dear to the heart of any CPA.
#8105 Ambassador — amet, consectetuer adipiscirtg elit. sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut dolore magna aliquam erat volulpat nonummy nibh euismod. More
#424 Curator — amet, consectetuer adipiscirtg elit. sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut dolore magna aliquam erat volulpat nonummy nibh euismod. More
#211 Pace Setler — amet, consectetuer adipiscirtg elit. sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut dolore magna aliquam erat volulpat nonummy nibh euismod. More